Professional Learning
Professional Learning

Educators are the lead learners in schools. If they are to enable powerful, authentic, deep learning among their students, they need to live that kind of learning and professional culture themselves. When everyone is part of that experiential through-line, that’s when next generation learning thrives.

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Every month #NGLCchat will focus on trending topics in personalized learning such as blended learning, student agency, and competency-based education. Here are 5 reasons why you should attend.

Are you interested in next gen learning? Do you want to network with like minded peers, hear from experts, discover new tools, and join a next gen learning community? Then #NGLCchat is for you!

Every month #NGLCchat will focus on trending topics in personalized learning such as blended learning, student agency, and competency-based education.

Here are 5 reasons why you should attend the next #NGLCchat:

1. Discover amazing content

#NGLCchat features some of the best thinking from the trenches of next gen learning. Experts share the resources they are reading.


2. Network with peers

#NGLCchat is a place where experts, practitioners, and philanthropic foundations get togther to exchange ideas.


3. Find new tools and practices

Discover tools and research from the field. #NGLCchat attracts participants from the field who are eager to share best practices, effective tools, and research.

NGLC myways

4. Learn about next gen schools

What is next gen learning like on the ground? Hear from schools who are practicing next gen learning everyday in the classroom.


5. Hear from actual students!

What about those who will benefit most from next gen learning, the students? They participate in #NGLCchat too!

Alex Roth headshot

Alex Roth

Social Media Specialist, NGLC

Alex Roth is the Social Media Specialist for EDUCAUSE, the parent organization of NGLC.