Reimagining Assessment
Reimagining Assessment

Educators are rethinking the purposes, forms, and nature of assessment. Beyond testing mastery of traditional content knowledge—an essential task, but not nearly sufficient—educators are designing assessment for learning as an integral part of the learning process.

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Pick up some resources and strategies from Summit Public Schools and other schools and districts that are creating targeted assessments for social-emotional learning.

At Summit Public Schools, “Habits of Success” are one of four key domains of what students need to be ready for college and career. The personalized learning model at Summit incorporates opportunities to learn and develop these habits alongside cognitive skills, content knowledge, and real-life experiences (Expeditions), as shown in the following graphic. As the graphic describes, Habits of Success “empower students to self-direct their learning and develop the habits that are invaluable for college and life success.”

Summit elements of student success

The Habits of Success:

  • Emotional Intelligence
  • Self-Directed Learning (SDL)
  • Learning Strategies
  • Academic Mindsets
  • School & Classroom Culture

As Summit works to intentionally help students build these skills and habits, how do they know if they are successful? How do they know where their students are developmentally or how much growth they have achieved? Through their Assessment for Learning Project (ALP), Summit is creating targeted assessments for learning for each of the five habits. Learn more about their ALP work on their grantee page

In Measuring What We Value Through Multiple Forms of Assessment, one of eight case studies in NGLC’s newest report, Measures That Matter Most, we describe how Summit assesses these five habits. The case study includes a slide deck that defines each of the five habits, why each of them matters, and how the school currently assesses it.

The case study looks at Summit’s assessment of all four domains of its college and career readiness model. Check it out to learn more about how assessment of the habits is interconnected across domains in their comprehensive approach.

Other ALP grantees working on the assessment of social-emotional learning include the following:

  • WestEd. This project centers on student agency within both learning and assessment. WestEd is piloting teacher professional learning. NGLC’s Tony Siddall will share more about their project in a blog next week.
  • Fairfax County Public Schools. The project led by Fairfax County Public Schools creates a Networked Improvement Community of districts across Virginia to develop student-led assessment practices. The districts are working to implement student-led learning assessment such as student-curated portfolios, exhibitions of learning, and student self-assessment rubrics.

If you’re looking for more resources related to assessment of social-emotional learning like the habits of success, Getting Smart is in the midst of a blog series on this topic, in partnership with ProExam:

Kristen Vogt (she/her/hers)

Knowledge Officer, NGLC

Kristen Vogt, senior program officer for NGLC, helps school communities tell their stories of transformation and learn about effective strategies, promising practices, and supportive conditions to transform learning. Her goal is to help school communities lead the way to a more equitable and just future of learning for our nation’s youth. Over a dozen years, she has supported school-based teams of educators, students, and key partners to build their knowledge and skills of leading transformation and has helped connect forward-leaning educators to learn with each other. She also leads the organization’s efforts to center diversity, equity, inclusion, and justice in its mission and practice.