Professional Learning
Top 10 Blogs about K-12 Next Gen Learning

Educators are the lead learners in schools. If they are to enable powerful, authentic, deep learning among their students, they need to live that kind of learning and professional culture themselves. When everyone is part of that experiential through-line, that’s when next generation learning thrives.
As the newest member of the NGLC K-12 team, I wondered which blogs our grantees and staff considered the best blogs about next gen learning…these blogs topped the list.
Summer is here, and for many of us this means reflecting on the school year. There is a different pace in the summer, a bit more room to breathe and think. When I was based in a school, my favorite summer ritual was reading all those books that sat next to my bedside table all year long. As I read, I would think hard about the many challenges I faced during the year and search for answers in their pages. Several years ago, I decided it didn’t make sense to save reading and reflecting for summertime. During one summer break I found and followed three blogs. I began reading those blogs every day and found them to be a perfect source of short, targeted and highly relevant information.
The hardest part of establishing my new blog reading routine was finding the right blogs to read. As the newest member of the NGLC K-12 team, I wondered which blogs our grantees and staff considered the best blogs about next gen learning ... I asked and these blogs topped the list:
Blogs written by school-based practitioners; the BlendMyLearning space offers a venue for educators to connect and share practical information to support innovation and transformation.
The Christensen Institute is a nonprofit think tank “dedicated to improving the world through disruptive innovation” and their education blog showcases findings and important concepts from the Institute’s research that “aims to transform monolithic, factory-model systems into student-centered designs that educate every student successfully…”
Knowledgeable authors posting far-ranging and practical information on topics of interest to breakthrough model school designers.
4. Martketplace K-12 on EdWeek
The best weekly update exploring business trends, emerging models, innovation, and entrepreneurship in the K-12 education industry.
5. EdSurge
Everything you could want to read on digital, blended learning and entrepreneurial activity in K-12 education.
6. Daniel Pink
Not a blog but…visit this website for great thinking about social change and topics related to education. The closest thing to a blog on this website is his “irregular and irreverent” newsletter.
More than a blog, includes articles and resources! CompetencyWorks is a dynamic website designed to support the development of a community of people knowledgeable about competency education.
Really smart, high-quality commentary that speaks to all educators about doing next gen learning.
A blog focused on the future of learning and exploring the impact that technology has on teaching and learning.
10. NGLC Blog
What list would be complete without mention of our own blog? Featuring posts written by the NGLC staff and community, exploring topics important to our grantees and the field of next gen learning innovators.