Technology Tools
How can technology make next generation learning more effective?

Educators often take advantage of educational technologies as they make the shifts in instruction, teacher roles, and learning experiences that next gen learning requires. Technology should not lead the design of learning, but when educators use it to personalize and enrich learning, it has the potential to accelerate mastery of critical content and skills by all students.
Next generation learning is not about technology. It’s about...deep, profound, powerful experiences... students owning their learning... whole-person development and student success. It’s quite possible for next generation learning to thrive without a single electronic device, software, or internet service.
The challenge of Technology Tools, then, lies in identifying the technological needs that educators and students of next gen learning have and developing affordable and reliable ed tech to meet those needs.
Next gen educators find value in ed tech that coordinates and tracks learning inside and outside of the classroom. Integrates data from multiple sources and records learner profiles and progression through competencies. Enables educators to collaborate and develop professionally.
Students of next gen learning find value in ed tech that gives them real-time status of their progress toward personal learning goals. Enables collaboration and communication with peers, teachers, and mentors. Provides access to people, materials, and activities so they may pursue their passions and self-direct their learning.
When learning is geared toward a broad and rigorous set of outcomes and designed by educators based on learning science, research, and deep pedagogical insights, Technology Tools may be the catalyst educators need to make the transformation of K-12 education a reality for all students.
Some of NGLC’s earliest investments included funding for learning technologies through its Building Blocks for College Readiness grant program. Today, educators in NGLC schools are taking on the challenge of Technology Tools, developing comprehensive platforms to support their school designs, and using those tech platforms to enable more schools to adopt next gen learning.
Resources for Technology Tools
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