New Designs for School
New Designs for School

We’ve all had the experience of truly purposeful, authentic learning and know how valuable it is. Educators are taking the best of what we know about learning, student support, effective instruction, and interpersonal skill-building to completely reimagine schools so that students experience that kind of purposeful learning all day, every day.

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Primary Contact Name:
Rebecca Centioli
Award Date:
April 2014
Grant Type:
Regional Planning
Start Date:
Fall 2015
Startup Type:
New School

School: KIPP Chicago Schools: KIPP One
Grades Served: 5-8
Location: Chicago, IL
Operator: KIPP Chicago Schools
Operator Type: Charter
Setting: Urban
Students at Start: 90
Students at Capacity: 340

Hallmark Feature: Flexible grouping blended learning

This new school will integrate blended rotation with flexible groupings. It will establish high expectations for students’ academic performance in a college-bound culture.

  • KIPP Chicago Schools proposes a new middle school that will innovate on the successful KIPP model. It will blend instructional technology, flexibly group students, and practice strategies to achieve academic results that place students on a path to and through competitive colleges.
  • In a typical day, students will engage in five core classes through a combination of instructional modalities that are designed to meet the personalized instructional needs of its students.
  • KIPP Chicago Schools has identified a strong leader who is currently in KIPP’s Fisher Fellowship program.
  • The new school will build on the success and experience of KIPP Create, also located in Chicago and one of KIPP’s first two blended learning schools nationwide. (KIPP Chicago Schools received a grant from NGLC in 2012 to launch KIPP Create.)
  • The KIPP Network will provide an avenue for sharing and scaling practices

Photo by Plij [CC BY-SA 3.0 or GFDL], via Wikimedia Commons