Breakthrough Schools D.C. Round 3 Grantees
16 schools reimagining for more personalized and deeper learning ...
We’ve all had the experience of truly purposeful, authentic learning and know how valuable it is. Educators are taking the best of what we know about learning, student support, effective instruction, and interpersonal skill-building to completely reimagine schools so that students experience that kind of purposeful learning all day, every day.
The New England Secondary School Consortium selected 20 schools as part of the NGLC Regional Funds for Breakthrough Schools initiative. These existing public schools are redesigning their structures and approaches in order to provide high quality personalized instruction.
High School in the Community
HSC specializes in providing proficiency-based learning for students with clear expectations, actionable feedback, and data-informed supports and interventions.
Metropolitan Business Academy
MBA requires all students to demonstrate their learning in a variety of business-related internships.
New Fairfield Middle School
Technology is highly integrated in teaching, learning, and development of students’ habits of work. A system of differentiated instruction, timely interventions, and student-driven learning was developed by the personalized learning community of educators.
New Fairfield High School
Building upon its successful Digital Academy, a new Freshman Academy will ensure rigor, personalization, and equity within a community of learners.
New Haven Academy
Rich and engaging learning experiences challenge students and ensure deeper learning grounded in a proficiency-based learning system.
Deer Isle-Stonington High School
Interconnection with vibrant local coastal and arts communities: students engage in deeper learning within self-selected pathways to truly impact their communities through relevant, authentic problem-based learning opportunities.
Hall-Dale Middle School & High School
After five years of a successful proficiency-based learning system, the school is further personalizing the learning environment with the development of habits of work and personal learning plans.
Monmouth Academy
A redesigned schedule supports increased flexibility for learners and an enhanced professional learning culture, advancing personalized learning through five years of a successful proficiency-based learning system.
Noble High School
Clear expectations for its learners, a commitment to heterogeneous grouping, and a timely intervention system helps students reach their goals.
Richmond Middle School & High School
After five years of a successful proficiency-based learning system, the school is furthering personalized learning by developing extended learning opportunities and community-based learning to build experiences around students' aspirations.
Great Bay Charter School
All students have an enriching learning experience within a highly engaged and inclusive environment. Student ownership of their learning community and shared leadership structures allow for all stakeholders to be an integral part of the school improvement process and development of a safe and equitable learning space.
Manchester School of Technology
At this high school located inside a large career and technical education center, students integrate their learning in core academic classes alongside industry-based programs of study.
Pittsfield Middle High School
During extended learning opportunities that take place outside of the school, students demonstrate authentic and novel learning.
Alan Shawn Feinstein Middle School
A large, comprehensive middle school that personalizes learning by providing all students with growth mindset-related instruction and supports.
Central Falls High School
Partnerships with community, business, and higher education provide students with multiple pathways and supports, preparing all students for challenges and opportunities they will face in the colleges and careers they choose.
Cumberland High School
The largest school in the New England portfolio, CHS provides all students with laptops and requires all students to demonstrate proficiency in all of its graduation standards.
Ponaganset High School
Structures to foster the community-owned vision for learning of personalization and self-actualization include well-defined learning academies, impactful presentations of learning, and intentional integration of technology.
Cabot School
A rural, community-based school with its tradition of excellence surrounding project-based learning enriched by a shift to proficiency-based learning.
Harwood Union Middle/High School
Building upon structures of professional learning communities and 1:1 devices, the school is personalizing learning through the integration of instructional technology, advancement of standards into the high school, and a strong long-term plan for community engagement.
Twinfield Union School
Students can design their own learning experiences that lead to the authentic demonstrations of learning of their proficiency-based graduation standards.