NGLC Identity Guidelines

Next Generation Learning Challenges grant recipients and partners are part of a growing community of educators focused on reimagining the student experience in K-12 public education. The NGLC Brand Identity Standards Manual available for download below provides guidelines for communications that are a true reflection of NGLC and convey a clear and consistent identity—helping to build trust with our audience and educator-led community. The guidelines presented here are fundamental yet flexible enough to allow for individual expression.
NGLC Brand Identity Standards Manual
Logo Files, for digital applications:
Secondary Mark: Cyan, Knockout
See the manual for a description of the use of these three marks.
Color Codes:
Cyan: RGB 0/174/239, HEX #00aeef
Light Cyan: RGB 79/195/247, HEX #4fc3f7
For all other colors in the Primary Palette and for the high-contrast Challenges Palette, please refer to the manual.

NGLC Cyan Primary Mark

NGLC Cyan Brand Mark

NGLC Cyan Secondary Mark
Photo courtesy of Allison Shelley/The Verbatim Agency for American Education: Images of Teachers and Students in Action, CC-BY-NC 4.0