Discover some of the most promising tools and resources next generation schools are using to measure their big ideas. Here, we highlight schools with a diverse array of both big ideas and new measurement approaches.

Two Rivers Public Charter School

case-study-Two-Rivers.jpgThis project-based learning network in Washington, D.C. is working to better measure the transferability of deeper learning outcomes.


Fullerton School District

case-study-Fullerton.jpgThis school district in California is piloting a personalized online quest and measuring increases in student engagement.


Cornerstone Charter Schools

case-study-Cornerstone.jpgThis network in Detroit, MI is developing implementation measures of personalized learning as a leading indicator of academic achievement.


Shue-Medill Middle School

case-study-Shue-Medill.jpgThis middle school in Newark, DE is using tools from the field of Improvement Science to measure increases in student motivation.


Summit Public Schools

case-study-Summit.jpgThis network of charter schools and district partners uses multiple short-term and long-term measures to assess student outcomes.


LEAP Innovations

case-study-Leap.jpgThis network of district, charter, and Archdiocese schools is measuring the impact of personalized learning on student achievement.


National Center for Montessori in the Public Sector

case-study-Montessori.jpgThis national support organization for public Montessori schools is developing a classroom observation rubric to measure students’ executive functioning and social emotional skills.


Enlarged City School District of Middletown

case-study-Enlarged-City.jpgThis district in upstate New York is partnering with Education Elements to measure the impact of personalized learning on student achievement.