Many voices are coming together in collective storytelling to create a new understanding about healthy and equitable Networks for Learning.
Add your voice to give texture and imagery to this collective understanding. Tell us how your work is influenced and shaped by the design principles of networks, like connectedness, power dynamics, and information flow. Or share a leadership story or personal story about learning through connection.
We are open to creative, multimedia responses. Maybe you have a great illustration, artifact, or image to share. Perhaps you’d like to create a video. Blog on your own site or be a guest of ours on the EdWeek blog, Next Gen Learning in Action. We are collecting stories now through June 2018.
The Stories
Teacher Learning in the Assessment Matters Community
Teaching Matters
This video, created by MasteryConnect, speaks to the teacher learning that occurs within the Assessment Matters Community, a networked improvement community coordinated by Teaching Matters. Pelham Academy in the Bronx has both attended and hosted a number of community learning events highlighting best practice.
Educator Networks: Building a Community to Advance Learning
By Sarah Luchs, February 6, 2018
The release of FSG's report, The Role of Networks in Advancing Personalized Learning, presents an opportunity to reflect on what we think we know about network design and theory and how we apply it in education. For example, what might make a network “powerful” in generating educational change or effect? READ THE ARTICLE.
Are We Collaborating Too Much?
By Gary Chapin & Laurie Gagnon, February 20, 2018
By building connections with other members of the Assessment for Learning Project community, the Center for Collaborative Education learned a thing or two about collaboration. READ THE ARTICLE.
Who Is Our Learning Community?
By Grant Lichtman, March 27, 2018
There may be no single piece of the education puzzle that is already starting to undergo a more fundamental, radical, and unpredictable evolution than the relationship amongst schools, students, teachers, and our understanding of who and what forms our “community.” READ THE ARTICLE.
A Commons for Educator Learning
Stephen Pham, April 9, 2018
A commons for educator learning can build connections that bridge the divided ecosystem, both for learning content providers as well as for educators. READ THE ARTICLE.
Connection as a Design Principle for Learning
Sarah Luchs, April 17, 2018
We want to feel known. We want to belong—at work or school, in the places we frequent and reside, and in our virtual communities. This is what I’m thinking about as I watch the student-led revolution that birthed the March for our Lives movement. READ THE ARTICLE.
Networks for Learning: The Community of Practice
Amanda Avallone, April 2, 2018
A practitioner's guide to designing and leading communities of practice for deep connection and powerful learning in K-12 education. READ THE GUIDE.