Support for Grantees

Two Types of Support
We offer opportunities & services as well as multimedia products & tools. We listened to you, our national grantees and Regional Partners, to develop this offering. It is open to all NGLC K-12 Breakthrough Model grantees; some supports are also open to the field at large. For more information, contact Stefanie Blouin.
Opportunities & Services Find site visits, meetups, webinars, Twitter chats, NGLC Labs, and other ways to connect and learn from your peers. Learn more... |
Multimedia & Tools Contribute to and collect resources from Friday Focus e-mails, Virtual Video Tours, blogs, and tools to share information and resources. Learn more... |
Opportunities & Services
NGLC Site Visit Series
NGLC grantees have consistently shared that some of the greatest learning opportunities come from in-person visits to other next gen models, and so for 2016-17 we’ve designed our largest set of visits to date. On these Learning Excursions, it is our hope that all NGLC grantees will select the visit(s) based on learning goals you set to deepen your knowledge and improve your practice. We hope that these excursions will support deep connections with others and provide you with the chance to directly apply the learning within your context.
At each school visit, participating grantees will:
- Tour existing well-developed school models demonstrating integrated approaches to next gen learning
- Speak with the host school’s students, teachers, and administrators about their model
At select schools, grantees will:
- Participate in a consultancy facilitated around a problem of practice that the host school has identified
New this year:
- A chance to deepen and extend your learning before, during, and after the excursion with opportunities for credentials and graduate credits
- Opportunities to take a deep dive into a single model by engaging in a day-long visit to one noteworthy school
The schools we’ll be visiting each reflect next gen learning: different approaches to personalized, competency-based, blended, tech-enabled, or experiential learning, designed around richer/deeper definitions of student success. Each school has a lot to offer to others who are deep into designing and/or implementing your own models. Below, you can find brief descriptions of each school and key host city partners.
Cross-Region and Cross-Grantee Informal Meetups
Taking advantage of special events organized by grantees and partners, and of proximity between national grantees and Regional applicants and planning grantees. (Grantee led)
Meetups at Major Conferences
Taking advantage of attendance at major conferences, grantees can engage in informal get-togethers of NGLC community members at major education conferences. Organized by NGLC, agendas will reflect needs generated by those in attendance. (NGLC team)
SxSWedu, March 6-9, 2017 - More information will be available closer to date.
Access to the NGLC Platform: NGLC Labs
NGLC Labs is a custom-designed platform for NGLC grantees and will serve as the communication, collaboration, and resource-sharing hub. All grantees and partners have access to key networks, learning pathways, the KnowledgeBase, and Design Tools. Links to the NGLC website, NGLC blog and Blend My Learning blog are found in the NGLC Labs making this your one-stop-shop. For more information, email Stefanie.
Area School Visit Co-Op
Within the NGLC Labs Main Street Network, schools in our community can list, view, and act on opportunities to visit other schools. (Grantee led)
Webinars and Expert Sessions
Guidance in key, high-priority topic areas to support design and implementation of blended, personalized learning will be offered to our grantees.
Gooru Schools Collaborative. In this webinar, Gooru and Leadership Public Schools (LPS) discussed the partnership amongst five California districts and CMOs working to innovate and build the tools to support personalized learning at all levels. Donna Park, Community Manager at Gooru, presented the Collaborative’s approach to tackling the innovation challenges in education, demonstrated features in Gooru co-created by educators and students, and reviewed the Collaborative’s impact to date. Prasad Ram, Founder of Gooru, and Louise Waters, CEO and Superintendent of LPS, joined Donna to discuss how NGLC grantees can leverage and contribute to Gooru. Recording and slides
MyWays: Defining Student Success & Learning Design. Webinar for interested grantees to walk through the MyWays tools and the extensive research and analyses that lie behind them. The primary MyWays researchers and authors, Dave Lash and Dr. Grace Belfiore, joined us. Recording
MyWays: Learning Design & Assessment. Webinar for interested grantees to walk through the MyWays tools and the extensive research and analyses that lie behind them. The primary MyWays researchers and authors, Dave Lash and Dr. Grace Belfiore, joined us. Recording
#NGLCchat: NGLC’S K-12 Twitter Chat Series
In 2015-2016, NGLC held guided conversations every month on a personalized learning topic.
Fall 2016 Chats:
- Measures That Matter Most, August 2016
- Project-Based Learning, September 2016
- Equity, October 2016
- Exploring Innovation with an Open Heart, November 2016
- Making Data Useful in Next Gen Schools, December 2016
2015-16 Chats:
- Learner Profiles and Personalized Learning Plans, August 2015
- Student Agency, December 2015
- Schedules, Staffing and Space, January 2016
- Teacher Development, February 2016
- From Factory Model to... What?, March 2016
- Competency-based Education, April 2016
- Next Gen Curriculum, May 2016
- End-of-Year Reflections, June 2016
Products & Tools
For all grantees and the field at large
Practitioner's Guide (Friday Focus)
NGLC’s Friday Focus brings you information, curated tools and resources, and an inside perspective on personalized learning. Access the archived editions.
Grantee Profiles and Grantee Webpages
The profiles represent a great way for interested educators, innovators, researchers, funders, and policymakers to sift through and learn about NGLC-funded breakthrough models. For grantees, they represent a useful and updatable online presence within a prominent national cohort of next gen learning models. We also maintain a web presence about your school models; you can search and filter by key aspects, and can send news and updates about your schools to Kristen Vogt.
Virtual Video Tours
NGLC co-developed virtual video tours with grantees to provide footage of what personalized/blended learning looks like in practice. Check out these virtual video tours.
Representing a community of blended learning schools and practitioners, offers a venue for educators who are working in the blended-learning space to share their experiences, lessons learned, and blended learning journey. Contact Silke Koester to submit a blog post.
Next Gen Learning Blog
Our rich articles offer grantees information about next gen learning topics of interest to support implementation, practice, and reflection. Contact Kristen Vogt to write for us.
Tools and Templates
Next Gen Tools Series: Briefs that profile grantee-generated tools, including artifacts to use.
RETHINK: Planning and Designing for K-12 Next Generation Learning Toolkit: This toolkit from NGLC and iNACOL is for K-12 district, charter, and school leaders to use in the very early stages of conceptualizing and designing a next generation learning program, initiative, or whole school.
GPS of a Breakthrough Model Design: An interactive tool showcasing the development of a breakthrough model from ideation to implementation featuring NGLC grantee schools, Piedmont and Intrinsic.
Reimagining Space, Time and Staffing: This toolkit includes top tips, strategies, and resources from NGLC grantees for rethinking these critical elements of school to propel student learning, not halt it.